The Inheritance: Are You Ready To Discover Your New Favorite Escape Room?

Inside The Inheritance, your estranged uncle has suddenly and mysteriously “passed away” and in a surprising turn of events, you were specifically named in his will. But there’s a catch… What you have inherited is not entirely clear AND you are not the only ones after it! 

Here’s just a few reasons why The Inheritance should be your next choice in escape rooms!

The Inheritance Mystery Room

Part Mystery, Part Mission

What did you inherit? Where is it? Why is it so important? Not only must you figure out what you have inherited, but you then must find it and escape with it before it falls into the wrong hands!

You’re in a study … or are you?

The Inheritance may look like a charming little home study but don’t be fooled. Your uncle had big ideas and he needed someplace secret to work on those ideas! 

It’s a tough one!

The Inheritance is Escape Experience Nashville’s most challenging escape room, with only a 27% success rate. But don’t let that discourage you! With a variety of puzzle types, there are plenty of opportunities for every player to shine! There’s a lot of ground to cover in this room, so divide and conquer… and maybe brush up on your geography skills.

A customer and employee favorite!

The Inheritance is a favorite among the Nashville team and past escapees! The ESCAPE COUPLE said The Inheritance was “very hard, but very radical” and that it had some of their “all-time favorite reveals”!  Check out their full review here: